
Mar 29, 2011

Ronde Von Manor 2011 P1/2/3

72 miles 6 laps

Race started off fast with attacks going on the first head wind stretch. Eventually a break of 10 riders got up the road and started to pull away. I tried to bridge across with Kremke (bike barn) once but we only got half way across before the pack got on our wheels. As the race progressed I started to feel stronger and more awake. Just as I got stronger with time, so did the winds. quickly the gutter was getting filled up with suffering riders. during the chaos of trying to get every little piece of shelter possible from the winds, I didn't see a large crack in the road that I ended up  hitting square on.  I ended up getting a pinch flat on the second lap (there was 6 total) of the race and then got a non jr rear wheel. So technically I was DQ'd the moment I started to chase back on. The chase gave me little hope. I knew there was no way I could possibly catch a flying Pro 1/2/3 field solo with so many strong riders trying to catch the break still up the road. I chased hard for one lap before I finally threw in the towel and started cooling down with another lap. I was able to ride a lap with Chris Tricky (Woolly Mammoth) and get in a nice chat. Once I finished this easy lap with Tricky, I pulled out and got ready to watch the finish of the race.

I really wish I could write more about Manor. This course was awesome, the weather was awesome, Velossimo was awesome, and the ghost town was awesome. Can't really prepare for a flat tire like that.

Next race on the list is going to be Ft Davis Stage race. AKA "Hammerfest"